Monday, May 7, 2007

Your guide to Seattle's coffee shops

Welcome to my guide to Seattle's coffee shops! Specialty coffee shops have become an integral part of Seattle's social climate. Thanks to Starbucks, Tully's, Seattle's Best and others, grabbing a latte is now part of most Seattleites (and Americans!) daily routine. Words like Barista, Frappuccino and Venti have become part of our everyday vocabulary, and we have mastered the art of ordering even the most complex beverages.
However, with so many shops inundating Seattle, how does the inexperienced coffee drinker know where to go? As a barista and coffee addict, I can help you navigate the best places in Seattle to enjoy a coffee. My blog will help you find the coffee shop that's right for you, and as a bonus, I will help you learn to properly order beverages and offer instruction on coffee shop behavior, lest you commit a coffee faux paux!
I will post daily about different coffee shops in Seattle, describing the general atmosphere, friendliness of staff, and drink quality and consistency.
I hope both long-time coffee drinkers and newbies will find this blog useful in helping get a quality caffeine fix!
And now I'm off to sip my iced-triple-venti-carmel syrup not sauce-americano with room. (Dont panic! You'll learn the lingo soon enough!)

Coming soon... ordering made easy, and Tully's vs Starbucks....

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